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Healux Cosmetic Store Grand Opening

Updated: Sep 1, 2022

Healux Co., Ltd Korean manufacturing company that provides total anti-aging solutions, is happy to announce the Grand opening of Healux Online Store, that presents innovative aesthetic products for professional skin care.

Now doctors can purchase famous lifting threads i-THREAD online, just with completing the simple subscription form. Also Mesoglory and MayGlory cosmetics are available on the store.

MesoGlory are mesotherapy products that injects skin booster deep into the skin. It's more immediate and powerful than regular cosmetics. You can expect fast and effective result with MesoGlory.

MayGlory uses different plant extracts to make its product. We believe that healthy skin starts with natural ingredients.

We believe our products will provide a great results and make the clients satisfied.

Meet our products at Healux Store, now open for Korean market.


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